Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Lucky To Live In Canada!

With everything that has been happening around the world (riots, shark bites, etc...)  I can look around me at my life and be truly glad to live in Canada.  I know that I am safe to be who I am and safe to walk out my door.

I'm glad to live in Canada because:

I get to experience all four seasons:  Even thought I complain a lot about winter, no Christmas would be complete without the fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky.  Plus without our ever changing weather what would we small talk to strangers about?

I can walk to a great Poutine spot:  Who doesn't love fry's gravy and cheese all in one dish YUMM

Health Care: As much as our system has its flaws (name one that doesn't) I know that everyone is treated the same regardless of income and stature. That our health care professions have the best training and give the best care to whom ever enters their facility (being as I am one of those awesome care givers)

Our Multiculturalism:  We are known for being a "melting pot" of cultures, blending together to make one country.  Plus that means that I get to eat all the yummy foods from around the world. 

The Nature:  We have a beautiful landscape, with mountains, rolling hills, parries and costs.  Also we have great animals, polar bears, whales and moose to name a few.  We have more than enough fresh air and water to go around.  You can feel the vast space just outside any city, enough to stretch you proverbial legs.

Tim Horton's:  Even as a non coffee drink I love this place, they have great food and low prices.  Plus there is pretty much always one within walking distance of you. 

I have so many reasons to love this country, and have no desire to ever live elsewhere.  I absolutely have the travel bug and want to see the world, but this is where I will always call home.  Here is a great article on reasons to love, I would love to hear some of you own.

Go Canada, Go Go Canada

Love Kaydee

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