Monday, March 21, 2011

My Top Five Ways I Love To Spend Money

I'm going to be completely honest, I love spending money it really makes me happy.  I love that moment of pulling out my debit card knowing that what ever I wanted is going to be mine.

Here are my top five things I love to buy:

1. Starbucks Chai Latte, its tastes like Christmas in a cup.
2. Nail Polish- a new colour is always full of new ideas
3. Diet Coke- Its my crack, but way cheaper
4. Glossy Magazines-I eat up whatever celeb gossip I can get my hands on
5. Chap Stick-not sure if my lips make their own moisture anymore

I'm sure I could have 30-40 dollars a month if I gave up buying these item (OK with the coke maybe 50), but they make me happy.  I'm a big believer in loving the small things in life, smelling the roses and whatnot.  There are five examples of small things that make my life good.

Love Kaydee

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