Friday, March 25, 2011

Less Expensive Ways To Buy Designer

I'm definitely a sucker for a brand name, well more than a brand name a design house.  I would love to own Chanel, Dior or Alexander McQueen.  But it is not in my foreseeable future to spend thousands of dollars on just one item from a design house.  But I have thought of a few ways to own my coveted brands.

1. Cosmetics- Chanel nail polish runs at around 30 dollars Canadian, Black Pearl could be mine one day

2.Eye Glasses- if you have a medical plan with coverage this is a great way to get an accessory at your works expense.  I keep hoping for distance problems so I can get fancy sunglasses for driving.

3.Scarves-  You can wear jeans and a Gap t-shirt with a designer scarf and people will think the entire outfit it couture.  Its all what people think they see, a scarf normally runs under $150 and is always classic

I'm sure there are more options out there, but these are three easy ones that I plan putting into practice.  Not going to lie I'm pretty excited to own Black Pearl nail polish.

Love Kaydee

1 comment:

  1. My I know how much of the coach scarf ?
    Pls email me at
