Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is Your House a Home?

Although I might not be the best at keeping my house clean, I have worked very hard to make it a home.   I've filled it with nicknack's, memories and pieces that make us happy.  I could never live as a minimalist, I find homes decorated with that look are beautiful but seam sterile and unlived in.  I'm a collector at heart, and love blown glass animals which are the worst thing in the world to dust.  I also love boxes and anything that will hold books.  Our ceilings in this house are really high and painted rental antique linen (looks oatmeal to me) so wall art is really important to me.  I love to be surrounded by colour, so I try to create some colour using art.  I'm sure my house is a cleaning ladies nightmare, with so much to dust but I love my things (sound a little bit like a hoarder) they show our personality in our home.

 Mr.N's Grandma's perfect egg timer, which he used to make me brunch this morning..sigh...
 My glass animal, and other brickabrack collection that's hung on my bed room wall.  I used a drill to hand the shelves myself!!
 Amazing shoe pictures my Mom gave me for my wedding shower.  She knows the way to my heart!
 My favourite corner in my house, helps give my bedroom that French feeling that I love.
 My beloved Lay-Z-Boy couch, we use an old steamer trunk as a coffee table that my mom found in a basement in her early twenties. 
They may be made out of black plastic, but I love the way they look tacked to the wall.

My house make me happy, I love the mix of old and new we have collected over the past few years.  I want to give the impression of a cozy home that you can use the bathroom and put your feet up on the coffee table. 

Love Kaydee

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