Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Actually Playing Grownup

When I started this blog I wanted it to be about my learning how to do things that I perceive to be grown up.  I have been struggling with writing in that direction, mostly just giving opinions on my lifestyle.  I want to continue to write that, I really enjoy it, but I also want to continue the process of becoming a better person. 

OK now that I am done getting heavy I'm going to tell you my challenge.  Since I have always said that I am better at starting than finishing I'm going to do week long challenges.  Each Tuesday I will recap the week before challenge and announce the new one. 

Since It is my Mommy in Laws (she's great) birthday next week, and I'm having a wine and cheese drop in for it I need to clean my house.  By clean my house, I need to get it cleaner than it has ever been cleaned before.  Nothing screams the need for a good house clean like having a bunch of in laws in your open concept house.  I hate cleaning so this will not be the best week for me, I'm going to start with the microwave tonight (and yes someone will open it and look, I just know it).

I'm open to suggestions as to what my challenges should be, leave a comment or fire me an email. 

Hope you can help my in my journey...

I feel like its just started...

Love Kaydee


  1. Hey hun,

    an easy way to loosen a lot of dirt in your micro is to fill a mug with water and add some baking soda, put that in for 4-5 minutes and it will help steam off a lot of the gunk in there.

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks hun, that worked great the micro is way less gross now!!

  3. You know, even when I set myself a goal, I still tend to leave things to the last minute. And that last minute can be pretty stressful. So - my advice to you is to plan to get all the cleaning finished for the day before the party. Then you'll enjoy party day more and there will be less bickering between you and N ;-) Also, maybe you should make a really complete list of everything you want to get done, and divvy it up among the days between now and then. BTW, I will SO be looking in your microwave at the party!

  4. You've inspired me and now I'm off to take Maggie's advice and clean my microwave.
    Happy Cleaning!
